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Melissa Grace

The Why.

Not to be confused with the once popular rock band - The Who.

It’s all well and good having a goal. I bang on about them enough, and they are critical to starting a health and fitness endeavor, however there is a bit more to it than that.

Allow me to explain.

Having a significant health and fitness related goal is an empowering thing, but without a few other vital aspects, you’re setting yourself up for a hard time.

To put it into sporting terms - it’s like having a net without the posts, to take all things 'goals' literally.

To put it into construction terms - it’s like building a house without foundations and hoping it survives a stiff breeze.

And according to Alanis Morissette - “it’s like raaaaain on your wedding day!” (Couldn’t resist)


The reason you want to lose body fat.

The reason you want to tone up.

The reason you want to improve your run time.

The reason you want to get stronger.

The reason why you want to have a better relationship with the way you look.

The reason you want to fit into a VERY revealing outfit. (You do you!)

You NEED to have a good reason for pursuing your goal and it might require you to dig a little deeper.


Say your goal is this:

“I want to lose 2 stone.”

Ask yourself why.

“I want to lose 2 stone because I want to feel better.”

Now I want you to channel your inner toddler and ask again. Over and over.

“ I want to lose 2 stone, I want to feel better, I want to be able to look in the mirror and not feel self-conscious.”

“I want to lose 2 stone. I want to feel better, I want to be able to look in the mirror and not feel self conscious, I want to feel confident in my own skin again.”

There we have it - the 'magic' why. It doesn’t have to be as elaborate as the above example but it’s going to help you more if you have a solid reason. Just try to go one beyond ‘I want to lose weight’.

For some it is as simple as:

“I want to lose weight so I can play outside with my children and not get tired so quickly”

The reason here makes all the difference. Picturing a golden hour of running about with your kids in the summer sun, might get you through the last few reps.

There will be times where you’ll lack motivation and drive and identifying your ‘why’ can give you that gentle reminder of the reason you’re doing this in the first place. If you’re lying in the middle of the floor, drenched in sweat, legs burning, heart pumping, seriously considering kicking your beloved PT in the shin for what they just put you through, reminding yourself of the ‘why’ could help pull you through (and save your PT’s shins).

Having a full understanding of your ‘why’ is powerful. It gives you a very strong sense of purpose - which more often than not is what people struggle with when pursuing their goals. This is something I discuss with my clients from day one, helping them to cultivate a clear idea of WHAT they want to achieve and WHY and always making sure we’re doing what we can to get there.

The beauty of this is, your reason only has to be good enough for you, after all, your goals are ultimately your responsibility.

(Full disclosure none of my clients have ever kicked me in the shin...though a few have sworn profusely. Out of sheer joy of course.)

Thank you for reading, stay safe, eat your vegetables.



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